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How Buzzy works

Buzzy can be effective in relieving injection pain due to two different mechanisms: distraction and cold.

The distraction effect occurs when Buzzy vibrates on the skin around the injection site, stimulating the nerve endings that respond to the vibration. These nerve endings send signals to the brain, which can take your attention away from the pain of the injection and focus on the sensation of the vibration. This can help reduce the pain experience.

The cold effect occurs when Buzzy also uses a cold pack or ice block placed on the skin over the injection site. Cold has a numbing effect on the skin, which can reduce sensitivity to pain and reduce the experience of pain.

The combination of these two mechanisms can be effective in relieving injection pain. Buzzy can also be used to relieve pain during other procedures involving needles, such as blood tests, vaccine injections and insulin injections. By helping to reduce the pain experience, Buzzy can also help reduce anxiety and fear associated with these procedures, especially for people with needle phobia or children who may have difficulty coping with the pain of injections.